Dire-logue’s Greatest Hits Volume 7: Psycho Babble

Psycho’s have problems too! They might’ve seen a counsellor who asked them “How does that make you feeeeel?” in two dozen different ways before they flipped and decided the best form of therapy was homicide…

If not, there’s bound to be someone about with some valuable insight into the killer’s problems, the final girl’s repressed issues, or what things are responsible for driving someone insane…

Behold the pop-psychological insights of the slasher realm:

CARVER (2008): “Sometimes we’ve gotta cut ourselves just to make sure we still bleed.”

FINGERPRINTS (2006): “A hair test is the only way to be sure that you’re drug-free!”

HALLOWEEN II (2009): “Bad taste is the petrol that drives the American dream.”

HATCHETMAN (2003): “Mommy taking her clothes off isn’t as bad as hurting people.”

HOME SICK (2007): “When a psychopath can invade the sanctity of your home and bleed all over your furnishings… we’ve fallen on dark days.”

THE HORROR SHOW (1989): “I was working on a theory of pure evil as a form of electromagnetic energy…”

THE LAST HORROR FILM (1983): “Many people believe that repeated viewings of these films is warping the minds of you young people.”

LIGHTHOUSE (1999): “Two words can sum that up: sick fuck.”

MADHOUSE (2003): “Funny that you’d ask a madman if he’s seen anything unusual.”

NINE LIVES (2002): “Tim wouldn’t turn into a psycho killer over a bobble hat!”

PSYCHO BEACH PARTY (2000): “In the past I’ve had little use for you head shrinks: Ink blot tests, ‘I hate my mother’ and all that crap.”

SCREAM (1996): “She realises that teen suicide is out this year and that homicide is a much healthier therepeutic expression.”

SHRIEK IF YOU KNOW WHAT I DID LAST FRIDAY THE 13TH (2000): “I killed my cousin, my heart’s broken and my sister’s dead.”

SHROOMS (2006): “You can’t fuck up what’s already fucked.”

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